Friday 26 October 2012

Zombie t-shirts

Like all nerds we looooove horror movies, especially one's with George A Romero style slow zombies, and to a lesser extent any zombiemovie made after the year 2003 where they seem to have evolved to be able to run.
Well,. here's a list of our top 3 zombie releated shirts:

in third place...drum roll please!:

Zombie outbreak response team t shirt
Perfect for letting everyone know that the zombie outbreakhas begun, and you're the man (or woman) for the job!

Schrodingers Zombie cat shirt

Who'd have thought it'd be possible to combine the joys of quantum physics with zombies? We'll here it is!

And finally...

Real friends help you kill zombies tshirt

Not all geeks are wimps. There's nothing like a zombie apocolypse to find out who your real friends are!

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